How it all began- Aprons and Things

Hi, My name is Jessica.

Welcome to my log where I am talking all about sewing, my etsy Store and all things cute and fabric.
 I love fabrics and  I love to sew. My first big ticket purchase after college with a real paycheck was a sewing machine.(followed by couch and car!!!)n And the rest is history. Before and after my babies were born I sewed things for them, but my youngest is approaching 5, The days of them weraing the cute dresses and shorts I make for them are drawing to a close. I hope to keep being creative and cute through my blog and etsy store!

 Last year near Girl Scout Cookie Selling season I decided to take on the task of sewing Utility half aprons for our entire troop of moms. You see, most of us had sold cookies at booths before and knew the pitfalls of having multiple booths and people in an out of a cash box.  Add this on to a windy arch day was a recipe for Girl Scout Cookie Selling Disaster. We had never had any of our money stolen, but the stories from other troops unable to keep themselves safe from cashbox thieves, had us scared.  The answer: Aprons.

We got lots of positive comments on our aprons and we all loved having a spot for Our phone- necessary to access our digital cookie selling app for credit card orders.  Two cash/ change pockets, and one more for our pen.

So, this year when cookie season rolled around a friend encouraged me to make a few aprons and try to sell them to other Girl Scout Moms!

My friend  helped me put the word out on the local girl scout cookie mom website, but we were quickly told this was not the place for selling cute and useful aprons.

So the only obvious answer was to start an Etsy store to sell my Aprons. I enjoy making things for my friends and family. I try very hard to give homemade items when gift giving comes around. I am excited to play with fabrics and patterns and see where this little venture takes me.
